From Treasure Island to (Captain) Jack Sparrow, the search for long-lost treasure is
something that has intrigued all of us at one stage or another.

Building on over a decade of filmmaking experience, we’ve redesigned the
experience to craft an immersive adventure for families wanting to to discover the
other side of the horizon.

What’s in the box you ask? More than silver and gold for sure… something that you
can only find with those closest to you…

Founded in 2021, Luxury Treasure Hunts is the brainchild of a veteran producer and wannabe Indiana Jones. No longer happy writing stories for a film crew, we now create these for a discerning audience and lace them with life-long memories and hero-moments Hollywood can only dream of.


We are a global company and will come wherever your yacht happens to be, to help you find conveniently nearby treasure.

We follow the Mediterranean season in the Summer and can often be found in the Caribbean in the winter.

In the Med, we have preferred locations where we know treasure to be present, they are Amalfi, Kefalonia and Sardinia.


Treasure Hunting is for children and adults alike.

We can follow the story of a 300 year old pirate or put teams in a head-to-head contest in our Treasure Rush competitive style hunt.

We usually cater for groups of up to 12 guests and may accommodate more when in a head-to-head format.


We borrow from filmmaking processes and pride ourselves on our execution. Our shows require minimal help from the yachts we work with. We provide professionalism and clear communication and take care of all logistics. We don’t stay on the boat and neither does our gear (except perhaps a treasure chest or two…).